


We are always on the lookout for enthusiastic visiting scholars, postdocs, graduate and undergraduate students to work with us. Please contact Dr. Chen at if you are interested in our research.

Postdoctoral Positions

Postdoc positions are constantly available in our lab.  Candidates should have a recent Ph.D. and have strong expertise in one of these areas: Food Safety, Analytical Chemistry, Bioengineering, Biosensing, Biochemistry, Nanomaterials, or Microfluidics.  Interested individuals, please send your CV to Dr. Chen at

Prospective Graduate Students

Prospective graduate students who are interested in interdisciplinary research across Biological Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Biosensing Engineering, Analytical Chemistry, and Food Safety in our group are encouraged to apply to the Department of Bioengineering at the University of California Riverside (UCR).  You are encouraged to contact Dr. Chen at if you have any questions about our research.

Undergraduate Students

We deem undergraduate research an important component of engineering & science education.  Undergraduate students in our lab will be working closely with postdoctoral, graduate students, and professor.  Motivated and dedicated students will have the opportunity to develop an independent project which may lead to conference presentations and journal publications. Hard-working undergraduate students enthusiastic about scientific research are encouraged to contact Dr. Chen at for opportunities.

Self-funded Visiting Scholars

Self-funded visiting scholars (professors or students) who are interested in interdisciplinary research across Biological Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Biosensing Engineering, Analytical Chemistry, and Food Safety in our group are encouraged to contact Dr. Chen at The source of funding should be clearly stated and only applicants who aim to visit for more than 6 months (ideally 1-2 years) will be considered.